Traffic Fines

***The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall require any operator convicted of violations 316.074(1), 316.075(1)C1, 316.172, 316.191, or 319.192 to attend a department-approved basic driver improvement course in order to maintain driving privileges if traffic school is not elected***

***Failure to provide insurance proof which was valid at the time the citation was issued, may result in a suspension of your drivers license by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles pursuant to Florida statute 316.646(3)***

Note: Valid proof of the item in violation must be submitted along with payment. The item must have been valid when the citation was issued to qualify for Dismissal. Any item renewed after the date of violation will not qualify for dismissal. To avoid late fees and possible suspension of driver license mail valid proof with payment.

Table of Miscellaneous Traffic Violations
1) Miscellaneous Traffic Violations
Description Amount
1 Bicycle/pedestrian violations $64.50
2 Non-moving violations under 316 $116.00
3 Non-moving violations all others $113.00
4 Moving violations under 316 $166.00
5 Moving violations all other $160.00
6 Bicycle Restraint Violations $64.50
7 Seat belt violations $116.00
8 Child restraint violations $166.00
9 School Zone Camera Violations $206.00
10 Pass Stopped School Bus $371.00
11 RailRoad Crossing violation $206.00
12 Littering violations $105.00
13 ATV violations $111.00
14 Vehicle inspections $96.00
15 Dismissal fee with proof $10.00
16 Move Over Act violations $136.00
Table of Speeding Violations
2) Speeding Violations
Description Amount
1 6-9 MPH over limit $131.00
2 10-14 MPH over limit $206.00
3 15-19 MPH over limit $256.00
4 20-29 MPH over limit $281.00
5 30+ MPH over limit - Mandatory Court Appearance - Court costs and fees will apply $0
6 Excessive speed 50+ (f.s. 316.926) - First offense - Mandatory Court Appearance - Court costs and fees will apply $0
7 Excessive speed 50+ (f.s. 316.926) - Second offense - Mandatory Court Appearance - Court costs and fees will apply $0
Table of Speeding School and Construction Zone
3) Speeding School and Construction Zone
Description Amount
1 6-9 MPH over limit $156.00
2 10-14 MPH over limit $306.00
3 15-19 MPH over limit $406.00
4 20-29 MPH over limit $456.00
5 30+ MPH over limit - Mandatory Court Appearance - Court costs and fees will apply $0
Table of fees with traffic school elections
4) Traffic School Elections
Description Amount
1 Moving violations under statute 316 $155.20
2 All other moving violations $149.20
3 Child Restraint Violations $155.20
4 Failure to Move Over subsection 1B $130.60
5 Speeding 6-9 MPH over limit $126.50
6 Speeding 10-14 MPH over limit $188.00
7 Speeding 15-19 MPH over limit $229.00
8 Speeding 20-29 MPH over limit $249.50
9 School/Construction Zone Speeding 1-5 MPH over limit $147.00
10 School/Construction Zone Speeding 6-9 MPH over limit $147.00
11 School/Construction Zone Speeding 10-14 MPH over limit $270.00
12 School/Construction Zone Speeding 15-19 MPH over limit $352.00
13 School/Construction Zone Speeding 20-29 MPH over limit $393.00

Note: Valid proof of the item in violation must be submitted along with payment. The item must have been valid when the citation was issued to qualify for Dismissal. Any item renewed after the date of violation will not qualify for dismissal. To avoid late fees and possible suspension of driver license mail valid proof with payment.

Table of Invalid Documentation Fees
Invalid Documentation Fees
Description Amount
1 Fail to Display Driver License - you must provide a copy of valid driver license $113.00
2 Tag or Registration Violation (except f.s. 316.605) - you must provide a copy of valid registration $113.00
3 Insurance Violation (f.s. 316.646 only) - you must provide a copy of valid insurance card or policy $116.00
4 Dismissal - you must provide a copy of missing document that was valid at the time of citation. $10.00
Table of Motorcycle and Moped Violations
Motorcycle and Moped Violations
Description Amount
1 Improper Riding or Wheels Off Ground 316.2085(2) - First offense $1166.00
2 Improper Riding or Wheels Off Ground 316.2085(2) - Second offense $2666.00
3 Tag improperly Affixed 316.2085(3) - First offense $1166.00
4 Tag improperly Affixed 316.2085(3) - Second offense $2666.00
Table of Processing Fees
Processing Fees
Description Amount
1 Late Fee - Infractions $16.00
2 Late Fee - Criminal $25.00
3 D6/Clearance form $7.00
4 Driver’s License Reinstatement $60.00
5 Dismissal, Upon Proof $10.00
6 Affidavit Adjudication Withheld — Criminal $233.10
7 In house credit card service - 3.5%
8 On-line credit card service fee - 3.5%
9 Printout of Driving Record $23.25