Manatee County Teen Court announces Outstanding Senior Award recipient

BRADENTON, Fla. (April 5, 2024) – The Manatee County Teen Court/Teen Court Too celebrated volunteers and announced the recipient of the Outstanding Senior Award at its Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception on April 2 at the Manatee County Judicial Center.

This event is a celebration of Teen Court’s 2023 accomplishments. Last year, Teen Court had 110 youth volunteers who served a total of 1,084 volunteer hours. The volunteers heard 401 cases.  And saw a 1.1% decrease in defendants reoffending after completing the program compared to 2022.

High school senior Erline Constant was recognized with the Outstanding Senior Award for 2023. She joined Teen Court/Teen Court Too as a youth volunteer in 2021. Since that time, she has dedicated 400-plus volunteer hours to the program. She not only serves on Teen Court hearings, but she also helps train future Teen Court attorneys at Teen Court Attorney Training sessions.

Adult volunteer William “Bill” Moran was the guest speaker. He shared with attendees his experience as an adult volunteer. Moran, who has been a volunteer since 2018, has seen first-hand how Teen Court changes lives. He saw kids turn their lives around after completing the program and parents grow closer to their children following difficult testimony.

Teen Court/Teen Court Too is a juvenile diversionary program and is overseen and operated by the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. It provides first-time juvenile offenders a second chance while holding them accountable for their actions. The program is comprised of youth volunteers who assume the role of prosecuting attorney, defense attorney, bailiff, court clerk, and jurors in Teen Court/Teen Court Too court hearings. The Judge is an adult volunteer who may be a sitting Judge or an active member of the Florida Bar.

Learn more about the Manatee County Teen Court/Teen Court Too program on the Clerk of Court’s website at


Published Date: April 5, 2024

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