Manatee Clerk & Comptroller joins the 100 Percent Club
Your Clerk & Comptroller is proud to announce that we joined the Florida Office of the Attorney General in its fight against human trafficking by becoming members of the 100 Percent Club. A statewide initiative to raise awareness of human trafficking through workforce training.
To be a member of the 100 Percent Club means 100 Percent of Clerk employees completed a virtual training session provided by the Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking. Through dramatized re-enactments of human trafficking victims and shared stories from human trafficking survivors, employees learned how to recognize the signs of human trafficking.
The training also provided information on reporting suspected human trafficking and what interventions and treatments are available for survivors of human trafficking.
"Florida ranks third highest nationwide in human trafficking," said Angel Colonneso, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Manatee County. "My office interacts with the public daily, so it was important to me that we participated in this initiative. By providing this training to my staff on how to recognize the signs of human trafficking, we can make a positive impact on the community by potentially saving a life."
Additionally, our office participates in a public awareness campaign. The office has posters about human trafficking and where to go for more details throughout the building. For further outreach, the we are sharing the same information online on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Human trafficking can happen to anyone. We encouraging other offices and businesses to join us in our commitment to end human trafficking in Florida by visiting to learn more.
Published: February 1, 2023